Child Legitimation in Thailand

Child legitimation, the legal process by which a child born out of wedlock is recognized as legitimate, is a significant aspect of family law in Thailand. The legitimation process is designed to protect the rights of children and ensure their legal status within the family. This article serves as a comprehensive guide to child legitimation in Thailand, covering the legal framework, procedures, and implications for both parents and the child.

  1. Legal Framework: Child legitimation in Thailand is governed by the Civil and Commercial Code. According to Thai law, a child born out of wedlock is considered illegitimate, and legitimation is the legal process by which the child gains the status of legitimacy.
  2. Rights of Legitimated Children: Legitimation carries significant legal implications for the child, including:
    • Inheritance Rights: Legitimated children have the same inheritance rights as children born within a legal marriage.
    • Use of Father’s Surname: Legitimated children have the right to use their father’s surname.
    • Access to Benefits: Legitimated children are entitled to benefits provided by the father, such as financial support and healthcare.
  3. Voluntary Legitimation: Legitimation can occur through voluntary acknowledgment by both parents. If the parents are unmarried but wish to legitimize their child, they can complete the process together without court intervention. This involves submitting a legitimation application and relevant documents to the district office where the child’s birth is registered.
  4. Court-Ordered Legitimation: In cases where one parent is unwilling to consent to legitimation or if the parents are unable to agree on the process, the court may be involved. The parent seeking legitimation can file a petition with the court, and the court will determine whether legitimation is in the best interests of the child.
  5. Requirements for Voluntary Legitimation: To voluntarily legitimize a child, both parents must meet specific requirements, including:
    • Agreement to Legitimize: Both parents must agree to the legitimation process.
    • Submission of Application: The parents must submit a legitimation application along with relevant documents to the district office.
    • Marriage Restrictions: If the parents later marry, they must do so before the child turns 15 for the legitimation to remain valid.
  6. Documents Required for Legitimation: Whether through voluntary or court-ordered legitimation, certain documents are typically required, including:
    • Legitimation Application: A formal request to legitimize the child.
    • Child’s Birth Certificate: Proof of the child’s birth.
    • Consent of Mother: The mother’s consent is required for legitimation.
    • Identification Documents: Identification documents for both parents.
    • Marriage Certificate (if applicable): If the parents later marry, their marriage certificate may be required.
  7. Effects of Legitimation: Once legitimation is granted, the child enjoys the legal status and rights associated with legitimacy. This includes the right to inherit from both parents, use the father’s surname, and access other legal benefits.
  8. Court Process for Legitimation: In cases requiring court-ordered legitimation, the process involves filing a petition with the court, attending hearings, and presenting evidence to support the case for legitimation. The court will consider the best interests of the child in making a determination.
  9. Parental Rights and Responsibilities: Legitimation also confers certain rights and responsibilities upon the parents, including:
    • Child Custody: Legitimated fathers have the right to seek custody of their children.
    • Child Support: Both parents have a legal obligation to provide financial support for the legitimated child.
  10. Legal Representation: In cases of court-ordered legitimation, legal representation is advisable. A family lawyer can guide parents through the legal processes, represent their interests in court, and ensure that the best interests of the child are prioritized.
  11. Celebration of Parenthood: Legitimation is not only a legal process but also a celebration of parenthood. It ensures that children born out of wedlock have the same rights and opportunities as those born within a legal marriage, fostering a sense of family and belonging.


Child legitimation in Thailand is a legal process that bestows significant rights upon children born out of wedlock. Understanding the legal framework, procedures, and implications is crucial for parents seeking to legitimize their child. Whether through voluntary acknowledgment or court-ordered legitimation, the process contributes to the child’s legal identity, inheritance rights, and overall well-being, affirming the importance of their place within the family and society.

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